Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Recipe: Semmelknödel

Semmel- who ? Semmel is a Austrian word for a small loaf of white bread. Knödel is a dumplin. So the 1:1 translation means: Breaddumpling.

You might ask, why actually somebody would eat a dumpling made from bread ?

Well, thats easy to answer, if you prepare it good its very tasty, and it goes with many different dishes as a side dish. Also, its made out of tried bread what normally would be thrown away. So its a great way to recycle your tried bread.

Remember the Irish Stew I made a while ago,
well I made it again since my family loves it so much, but this time instead of potatoes to go with the stew I made this tasty Knoedel.

Use about half a barguette tried bread, cut it into little pieces as show in above picture. Add 150 ml luke warm milk, and also choop a onion into small pieces and roast it untill brown in a pan. Add the onion,milk, a bit salt, some fresh parsley or chives to the bread.
(some people also add a egg, I wont)

Mix through it well with your hand, and bring it in form, as shown here on the right, I wrapped it up tightly in foil so no water can enter when you cook it in boiling water for 20 minutes.

Serve it hot with your stew, chilli, or any other dish which got a lot of sauce with it.
Its so tasty, and quiet filling :-)

Soon I will start my Czech cooking experiments so stay tunned.

Frank a reader of my blog was so kind to send me his recipes he did write down was recording lots of traditional Czech dishes he cooked together with a friend. I look forward to that food.

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