Monday, November 14, 2011

Review: Steak tartar

We all know the scene from Mr. Bean dinning in a French restaurant ordering steak tartar. I have seen this on TV years ago, and last summer on holiday in France I spotted this dish on the menu, and had to smile while thinking of the funny slapstick from Rowan Atkinson. For all who don't know it, see at the end the video.

Anyhow, my wife suggested i shouldn't go for it if i am not really sure if i like it.

Anyway, No risk no fun. So I tried it.
the secret apparently is to mix the egg, the onion, the carpers and cucumber with the meat, spice it with salt and pepper and have a go.
Its actually really good, and somehow I felt like a real cave man eating rare meat ! WOAW !

I have to admit I could each all, as you see on the right, but I didn't dare to distribute the rest over the table...

.....Unlike him 

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