Thursday, April 18, 2013

Recipe: Caramel Cream a la Hugo

Hugo is my friend in the US, a real New Yorker, with an Argentinian touch. On my last trip to the US he served me together with a cake a lovely caramel cream.
The texture and taste was so nice, I didn't dare to ask for the recipe since I thought that must be really complicated to make.

I than learned, that it is actually so simple to make, I was falling in love with that recipe;

Take a can of condensed milk
Place can in a bain Marie (hot water bath) for approx 4 hours.

Make sure its not to hot otherwise the can might explode and you have a huge sticky mess in your kitchen.

That's it, the condensed milk turns into that lovely caramelized cream. It goes great with cake, ice cream, etc...

sooo yummi ! Thanks hugo for sharing that recipe ! Its now a family favorite !


  1. Hallo Christian !
    Ein kleiner Hinweis, Karamell wird aus reinem Zucker gemacht, einer Karamellsauce wird dem heißen Karamell (ca 160 Grad Celsius)Sahne eingekocht. (Achtung, kocht sehr schnell auf und geht sofort über wenn mann keine Übung hat)
    Das oben genannte Herstedllungsverfahren ist bei uns als Toffee bzw. eigentlich Toffeecreme bekannt.
    Lg, Werner

  2. Hi Werner,
    thanks for clarifying that Caramel is made from pure sugar and to make a sauce cream is added to hot Caramel (~160 degree C). What i described above should be called Toffee / Toffeecream.

    Werner knows what he talks about, he has a master degree of pastry in Austria and is famous for his cakes. Its great that someone with this expertise follows my blog and corrects me when I am completely wrong.

    I will be meeting Werner this summer and I hope i get some time practice some recipes/techniques :-)
