Tuesday, May 31, 2011

slowly now

Its funny which kind of visitors you get at home if you leave the door open...
that one however took a while to get in, but was kicked out pretty fast, without having a electro shock or so :-)


Its getting better and better, summer time in Clonlin. Only problem, after 2 weeks the chicken still dont lay eggs. I think i need to contact the chicken whisperer.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Blog about Blogs

Some people might wonder, what is the guy behind this blog is actually reading himself,
so here it comes, other blogs.

I have several interests, horse riding, computers, fishing, and of course Ireland the land i live in itself is interessting for me. So here a selection of blogs i can recommend, sorry most of them are in German language:

Great site, Daily news about Ireland in German
News not daily, but interesting topics...
An other Austrian in Ireland, sometimes i spot also news about the old country...
Conny a Austrian girl around the corner reporting about her life in Ireland with her horse

So, next time i will let you know which other Blogs about other topics i read, you might find nice new reading stuff.

Hot Dogs ?

Tell me, why I am worried about that Hot Dog sign at the local chipper ?
And for how much more this last dog outside the shop will last ?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Egg storage

I used to keep the eggs always in the fridge, now since i soon get them daily laid from Heidi, Gudrun and Emer, I will store them outside, nicely in a wooden box.

Got the Box in a Local Store, Tom Sheehy's for around 12 Euro, not too bad price for the Quality.

According to plan ?

In an earlier post i revealed the plan for the chicken house, which should be integrated to the compost.

Well, now its time to compare, how that project turned out to be:
  the plan

  the result
Well, on the way I did some improvements, specially to the roof, which is now longer and protects against sun or rain. So, now it would be only good if the chickens appreciate my efforts and lay some eggs....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello Merlot, Servus European Lager....

Here we go, my first wine kit and so far so good, was pretty easy to add the grape juice and water in the fermenter, mix it, add oak chips, make readings and add yeast. Now its waiting time, wine takes about 30 days to be taste-able, than a other while to develop further.
In meantime a made a other batch of European Lager, i hope this time the flavor will be even better, but have to say that i am already quiet happy with the result of the last batch.

Soon its bottle cleaning time, to get the good liquid into a safe place for a little while.

Friday, May 20, 2011

How to fake where you are from ?

This German article of somebody i follow over at the AOWAO Blog made me think about the problem many people might face, living abroad but willing to watch something from home or overseas, but cant because of their IP address.

I while ago i wrote following manual, which should be still valid, how to use a simple proxy switcher addon to watch youtube videos if you get that prompt (Not available in your country).

Here the manual ,i hope that helps Markus ?

The Chickens arrived

Say hello to Heidi, Emer and Gudrun.
At the beginning they kind of scared of their new home, but i hope they will settle in shortly.

first sign to know you need chicken

There you go, no more eggs left in the fridge, time to get some chicken for myself. Lets see how that goes, off to the market.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scary Lunch

The 4th time in a row my colleague at work has the exact same food than i do. Today spaghetti. I wonder how he always knows what i have the next day, does my wife have an affair ? :-)

Cool proposal

I had proposed through the telly in a 5 star hotel, but this guy have topped that, so cool and romantic, ladies who said there is no romantic man out there ?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cleaning in process

Ordered 2 beer kits and one wine kit, so soon I start brewing / wine making again. As soon the weather gets bad, to bad for fishing or gardening.
Today i gave the brewing kit a fast clean, also setup the wine kit and gave the utility room a touch up.

Fishing Trip

At my last fishing trip somebody caught a little shark,
wanted to share that picture... (we released him of course)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How do you organize your bookmarks ?

5 x 5 is since i got the Galaxy tab the new way i organize my bookmarks also on my PC.

Speeddial for Firefox is the add on called and its pretty handy, so what i did is setting up the websites I use exact in the same order as i have the apps on my homescreen on the Galaxy tab.
This way i dont care on which device i sit, PC at Work, Home or mobile, its always the same way and therefor easy to find.

How do you organize your bookmarks ?

Wine kit arrived

In addition to the Clonlin brew i will in future also have a selfmade Vino de Clonlin.

I will report shortly how it goes with the winemaking.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Great day today, some beerbrewing and after fishing on the peer.